A bibliography of UFO books on the demonic hypothesis

Many Christians believe that authentic UFO encounters are a demonic deception. This is a bibliography of books on the demonic hypothesis. I do not necessarily agree with everything in all of them but most of them discuss the paraphysical nature of UFOs, the parallels between UFOs and other paranormal or occult phenomena and several discuss how UFO abductions can be stopped by calling on the name of Jesus.

William Alnor, UFOs in the New Age, Baker, Michigan, 1992

alnor ufos in the new age


Ken Ammi, Fifty Shades of Gray Aliens, No End Books, USA, 2017



John Ankerberg and John Weldon, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, Harvest House Publishers, Oregon, 1992

john ankerberg facts on ufos


Gary Bates, Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection, Master Books, Arizona, 2006

gary bates alien intrusion


Derek Gilbert and Josh Peck, The Day the Earth Stands Still, Defender Publishing, Missouri, 2017

day earth stands still gilbert peck


Joseph Jordan and Jason Dezember, Piercing the Cosmic Veil, Seekye Publishing, USA, 2020

piercing cosmic veil jordan


John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, Souvenir Press, London, 1970

operation trojan horse

This is not a Christian book, but Keel recognized the demonic nature of the UFO phenomenon and many Christian UFO books relied heavily on Keel’s research. It can be downloaded for free at Internet Archive


Bob Larson, UFOs and the Alien Agenda, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, 1997

bob larson ufo alien agenda


Stephen Latham, Revelation Exo-Truth, Apocalypsis Ex-Veritas, RRR Publishing, 2019, 2 volumes

revelation exo truth


David Allen Lewis and Robert Shreckhise, UFO, End-Time Delusion, New Leaf Press, Arkansas, 1991

david allen lewis ufo end time delusion


Gordon Lindsay, The Mystery of the Flying Saucers, Voice of Healing Publishing, Texas, 1953

myster flying saucer 001 (2)

This appears to have been the first book to suggest a demonic origin for UFOs.


Guy Malone, Come Sail Away With Me, Seekye Publishing, USA, 2015

come sail away guy malone

An earlier edition can be read online here


Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman, Alien Encounters, Koinonia House, Idaho, 1997

missler alien encounters


Nick Redfern, Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife, Anomalist Books, San Antonio, 2010

nick redfern final events

This can be read online here


Ron Rhodes, Alien Obsession, Harvest House, California, 1998

ron rhodes aiien obsession


Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples and Mark Clark, Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men, Navpress, Colorado, 2002

jugh ross lights in the sky


David Ruffino and Joseph Jordan, Unholy Communion: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon, Where it Originates and How It Stops, Defender Publishing House, Missouri, 2010

unholy communion david ruffino


William Schnoebelen, Space Invaders, With One Accord Publications, Idaho, 1996

space invaders schnoebelen


Basil Tyson, UFOs Satanic Terror, Horizon House, Alberta, 1977

ufo satanic terror tyson


George Vandemann, The Impersonation Game, Pacific Press, California, 1978

impersonation game vandemann


John Weldon and Zola Levitt, UFOs: What on Earth is Happening?, Bantam, New York, 1976

john weldon ufos what on earth is happening


Clifford Wilson and John Weldon, Close Encounters: A Better Explanation, Master Books, California, 1978



Clifford Wilson, The Alien Agenda, New American Library, New York, 1988

alien agenda clifford wilson

This is a revised edition of Clifford Wilson, UFOs and their Mission Impossible, New American Library, New York, 1975

clifford wilson ufo mission impossible


Honourable mentions

Kelly Cahill, Encounter, Harper Collins, Sydney, 1996

kelly cahill encounter

This is the account of a Pentecostal Christian who stopped a UFO abduction by calling on God, but later lost her faith as a result of the experience. It is very expensive on Amazon but I have discussed it in The Kelly Cahill UFO encounter and the Demonic Hypothesis


Stan Deyo, The Cosmic Conspiracy, West Australian Texas Trading, Western Australia, 1978

stan deyo cosmic conspiray

This book suggests that UFOs are man-made, but it got me interested in UFOs from a Christian perspective so I thought I would include it. It can be found online here.

I have not published any books on the demonic hypothesis, but the Australian magazine Ufologist has published my articles on the subject.

Identifying the UFO Entities – Part One, (Ufologist, Vol. 15, No. 2, July-August 2011)


Identifying the UFO Entities – Part Two, (Ufologist, Vol. 15, No. 3, September-October  2011)


UFOs, Cultural Tracking and Science Ficiton (Ufologist, Vol. 16, No. 5, January-February 2013)


UFOs, the Bible and the World View Problem (Ufologist, Vol. 16, No. 6, March-April 2013)